BT020 / Shutcombo – Streitgeist

Release date: 13 April 2024.

Limited to 98 copies. (if you know, you know)

Hello punks and kindergarten friends,

How nice that there are still some constants in life. Like German punks with the emotional intelligence and political eloquence of Shutcombo.
We are releasing the Bad Dürrenberg band’s fourth album “Streitgeist” on cassette tape for you. After more than 25 years the band is as strong as ever with ten new songs full of energy, passion, emotion and rage. But listen for yourself.

The tape comes in a folded cardboard box by Dekor Labor from Gera, printed with a very cool artwork by Nikita Scheffler (@nikavanplanten) from Hamburg, and includes an informative, hand-numbered insert.

Tracklist (lyrics here):

  1. Reha
  2. Hallo sagen
  3. Unzivil Gehorsam
  4. Schlaumeiers Schnauze
  5. Biber
  6. Kein Anschluss unter Spießer-Nummer
  7. Rattenrad
  8. Wrack
  9. Ratzen
  10. Fast allein feat. Jens Rachut

We’ve made 98 of these beauties, which you can get at one of their shows (e.g. 26th April in Halle or 27th April in Zittau or 11th May in Leipzig) or at one of our shows (still up in the air, but we’ll keep a few for ourselves for sure).